Prepare for a week of exploration, discovery, and understanding of human rights and community activism.

Program Overview


High school students in Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo, and Serbia who are passionate about inter-ethnic understanding, human rights, and cultivating positive change in their communities.


An inter-ethnic youth program focused on inter-ethnic understanding, human rights, and youth civic engagement for high school students in Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo, and Serbia.


Phase One: August 8 to August 19, 2023

Phase Two: September 2023 to January 2024


Phase One: Skopje and Tetovo, Macedonia

Phase Two: Participants’ Home Communities


To bring a diverse group of young people together to learn about human rights, leadership, and inter-ethnic understanding and return to their homes with the knowledge and ability to create positive change.


Die richtige Sustanon Einnahme für optimale Ergebnisse

Die richtige Sustanon Einnahme für optimale Ergebnisse Sustanon ist eine beliebte Form von Testosteron, die oft von Bodybuildern und Athleten zur Steigerung ihrer Leistungsfähigkeit und Muskelmasse verwendet...

Day Five: Loss, Remembrance, and Healing – Skopje Holocaust Memorial

Perhaps the most emotionally charged day of “Bridging Backgrounds” was the fifth day when the participants had a guided tour of the Holocaust Memorial Center for the Jews of Macedonia. The building’s gray concrete and glass architecture resembled the only three other...

Day Four: Activist Talks

The fourth day of Bridging Backgrounds was filled with human rights education activities, community activism training, and the activist talks session. During the activist talks, the participants had the pleasure of listening to talks of and posing questions to three...

Bridging Backgrounds
is organized by United by Love, a US-based non-profit,
and is funded by the US Embassy in North Macedonia